October School Holidays 2022
As always, you can be sure that school holiday activities abound at the Mandarin Centre! From top movies in luxurious recliners at Hoyts, to Holey Moley Golf and Escape Rooms at Strike, you might even grab a free Gelato, or bring the kids in to the baby animal farm.
Free School Holiday Gelatos
Be sure to visit on 29th and 30th September 12-3pm for your free Messina gelato with any purchase of $20 or more from the centre! Simply show your receipt for your gelato (one gelato per receipt)Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Kindi Farm is coming to the Mandarin Centre!
Bring the kids along for some baby animal heaven! 4th, 5th and 6th October, 2022, between 12pm - 3pm daily! Make it stand out
The school holiday bargains abound at Strike!
Make your way to level 4 for loads of family fun at Strike Bowling Bar. Details HERE